2 okt, NST.
Intervju och reportage från fortbildningsdag i konflikthantering för skolpersonal.
15 sep, Sverige Radio P4.
"Tio män har under ett halvår velat samtala med en av Hässleholms familjestödjare. - Det är ett bra resultat, säger familjestödjaren Michael Högberg". Läs mer och lyssna på reportaget.
Sep 08, Skånska Nyheter.
Reportage om temavecka i Smedstorp
Aug 08. Sveriges Radio P4.
"Bättre språk ska ge färre bråk". Intervju med Michael Högberg Fixa språket, skippa bråket
Aug 08. Ystads Allehanda.
Allvarliga samtalsämnen men nära till skratt.
Att lyfta i stället för att sänka varandra är en bra värdegrund för att sprida glädje. "Öva på att ge varandra komplimanger och gör det ofta", säger Michael Högberg, . Läs reportage
Mars 08. Sveriges Radio P4.
"Insikt ska få män att sluta slå".Reportage och intervju med Michael Högbergoch Helén Elmqvist.Lyssna på inslaget
Nov 07.
Unikt projekt i Onslunda "Målet är att kunna lösa interna konflikter..." Läs artikeln
Information in english »
This part of the site in still under construktion.
Meanwhile you can check out the link-page.Most of them are in english and gives you a smal overview of my teaching-methods och philosophy, mostly based on Integral Studies.
For questions please email: info@hogberg.org
In short:
Conflict Resolution and Culture
Conflict resolution as both a professional practice and academic field is highly sensitive to culture. There are many tools available to persons in conflict. How and when they are used depends on several factors (such as the specific issues at stake in the conflict and the cultural context of the disputants). The list of tools available to practitioners include negotiation, mediation, community building, advocacy, diplomacy, activism, nonviolence, critical pedagogy andcounseling.
Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a process developed by Marshall Rosenberg and others which people use tocommunicate with greater compassionand clarity. The goal of NVC is to get one's own needs met while also meeting others' needs. A key principle of nonviolent communication that supports this is the capacity to express oneself without use of good/bad, right/wrong judgment, hence the emphasis on expressing feelings and needs, instead of criticisms or judgments.
Integral theory
The integral approach seeks a comprehensive understanding of humans and the universe by combining, among other things,scientificand spiritualinsights.
Integral theory is a term often used to describe the teachings and work of the American writer Ken Wilber, referring either to the synthesis of different perspectives and methodologies, or to his own "AQAL" theory. More recently, the term has been adopted by Hungarian systems theoristErvin Lászlóin a scientific context.
Although Wilber originally spoke of Integral theory in terms of a synthesis of different methodologies that can be used in the study of consciousness [28], "Integral theory later came to be considered synonymous with "AQAL"[29]. AQALrefers to "All quadrants, all levels", and equally connotes "all lines, all states, all types".
Central to Wilber's methodology is the concept of vision-logic as a post-formal, but personal, level ofcognitivedevelopment. A characteristic of vision-logic is the ability to conceptualize and compare different perspectives or points of view. In the book Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, Wilber describes vision-logic as a planetary awareness. He uses it to translate the term vernunft as used by the German idealists, which means something like "transcendental knowledge".
Aggression Replacement Training
Aggression Replacement Training (ART) is manual-based program focused on young adolescents, helping them to cope with their aggressive emotions. It is a complex, multichannel, program that uses three coordinated components to reach the youth; Social skills, Anger management and moral reasoning. ART was developed in the US during the1980sand is now used in schools and correctional systemsin North America as well as Europe.
Cognitive Therapy
Cognitive Therapy (CT) is a type of psychotherapydeveloped by American psychiatristAaron T. Beck. CT is one of the therapeutic approaches within the larger group of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies(CBT) and was first expounded by Beck in the 1960s.Methods of CT
Cognitive restructuring:
Evaluating validity of client's thoughts and beliefs
Assessing what the client expects, predicts
Assessing client's attributions for causes of events
Parts above modified from Wikipedia
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